Why is “A Rare Kind of Faith” the subject matter for this work? When I married in 1991, I thought I had faith. The challenge before my husband and I (particularly financial) at the time was enormous, but we were in love and convinced that if we just had faith, everything would work out. That if we just had faith, the numbers wouldn’t HAVE to add up, and I could still be a stay-at-home mom (something we both wanted for our children).
When things didn’t go as well as expected, and our situation grew worse instead of better, and when I was forced back to work at one point because my husband had lost his job, I began to question my faith. Didn’t I have it? Didn’t God care that I wanted what I thought he wanted for us?
Seven years of struggling to make ends meet, both my husband and I working multiple jobs while trying to finish school, always tired, always longing for the day we could just be like other families. (How do they have a camcorder to capture those moments with their babies? How do they live in a nice apartment and drive nice cars?) We weren’t just hungry for answers, we were hungry, too. Literally. I was about 30 pounds underweight. One of our jobs was midnight janitorial at office buildings, and I was thrilled to find food in the trash cans.
Thus began my search for understanding. Didn’t I have faith? Was there indeed a God, like I had always believed?
Ultimately, the answers came. The search was not in vain. In 2000, the lights went on, and we finally understood what small adjustment we needed to make in the way we were applying our faith, and in three months after that, our income tripled. My passion was born – to help other struggling moms and families discover the simple truths and principles that can make all the difference. God operates and governs the Universe by LAW, and when we violate His laws (knowingly or not), we cannot receive all that He has available to us.
Doctrine & Covenants 130:20-21 says, “There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.”
There are laws that govern all things, including our temporal well-being and prosperity, and they aren’t what I thought they were. Before things finally changed for us, we had to learn how to apply the kind of faith that President Boyd K. Packer described:
There are two kinds of faith. One of them functions ordinarily in the life of every soul. It is the kind of faith born by experience; it gives us certainty that a new day will dawn, that spring will come, that growth will take place. It is the kind of faith that relates us with confidence to that which is scheduled to happen. …
There is another kind of faith, rare indeed. This is the kind of faith that causes things to happen. It is the kind of faith that is worthy and prepared and unyielding, and it calls forth things that otherwise would not be. It is the kind of faith that moves people. It is the kind of faith that sometimes moves things. …
It comes by gradual growth. It is a marvelous, even a transcendent, power, a power as real and as invisible as electricity. Directed and channeled, it has great effect. (Quote by Boyd K. Packer © By Intellectual Reserve, Inc., used with permission).
Here is our Rare Faith Manifesto:
“Rare Faith can help us get what we want, but we do not use it to receive everything we want. Its purpose is to build the Kingdom of God: helping us overcome personal challenges, helping our families thrive, finding and fulfilling our divine purpose, and serving others. When we hit a roadblock, we use Rare Faith to stay on course. That’s what Rare Faith is for, and to be clear, that’s the only thing it’s for.”
That’s what this work is all about. That’s what my books (all best-sellers now!) are all about. Did you know that they are all available as free downloads? I make them available for free because I want to help other struggling families experience the relief and joy that we experienced, and if you’re reading this now and feeling anything like I used to feel, you’d probably appreciate receiving some information for FREE that I know can help.
If this topic interests you, I invite you to begin by reading the downloadable book, Hidden Treasures: Heavens Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters – (it’s FREE!)
If you prefer learning principles in story-form, you might want to begin instead with a downloadable copy of The Jackrabbit Factor: Why You Can – (also FREE!)
Both are available in paperback and audio as well. If you prefer these other formats, visit my store, or check for their availability on Amazon (sometimes cheaper).
Be sure to also check out the different things I’ve gathered in the footer of this site. So much to share!
Wishing you all the best on your journey,
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3 Responses
It very good to motivate people and leave a impact on People. Continue do what you are doing may the good Lord bless you and keep you to leave impact on our life thank you very much
Continual blessings to you beyond measure in all areas of your life and the lives you influence. From Kevin R Naylor
Instagram handle @naylor8736.
You don’t know me and yet you have been making a huge difference in my life. I am so grateful for your willingness to share your talents and wisdom to any that will listen. I am listening, and have been listening for quite some time. Now, I’m acting too. Thank you.