If we could conduct a scientific experiment with all the variables perfectly controlled where two people with the same upbringing, experiences, DNA, and everything else were thrown the very same challenge, their circumstances from that point on would be different from each other – depending on their thoughts.
Now, I can’t prove it. But I know it’s true. I’ve seen a very real and strong connection between the thoughts I choose and the results I get.
So knowing this, I try to choose empowering thoughts, believing in the long run that it will make a difference.
I choose to believe that the challenge (however ugly it may be) is for my good, and I choose to look for a lesson in it. I choose to believe that something phenomenal can come out of tragedy. As I do this, things always seem to work out better than when I don’t.
While my observations don’t qualify as a scientific experiment under the scientific method, after seeing it work this way for more than 20 years, what I do know is that life seems to go much better when we try to practice faith.
Science has been trying to nail down the effects of our thoughts on the world around us (Quantum Physics); but until they can really dial it in AND get it into the school textbooks on an elementary level, we’re left to experiment with the ideas in our own laboratory of life.
Am I always successful at optimizing my outcomes?
Of course not. And honestly, most of the time I don’t FEEL like choosing better thoughts. But the effects are just as connected when I VIOLATE the “laws of thought” as when I OBEY them.
Learning the laws has simply helped me remember why to choose my thoughts, with absolute certainty that the results for good or for ill will unfailingly follow.
Related: What if it’s impossible to always think right perfectly?
One thing I’ve learned is that if I can imagine it, it’s possible. By LAW. An amazing concept. Not possible because it’s one of those nice clichés that make you feel good, but because there is actually a fundamental law of the Universe that says nothing is ever done without first a thought – AND – that if it can be thought, it can be done. (Not that we always get it figured out in our lifetime.)
Here’s an example:
Two years before releasing my books I didn’t believe I could be a best-selling author. But, somewhat as (not much more than) an experiment, I decided to apply the laws of thought just to see if I COULD.
AFTER choosing my goal (and, admittedly it was TOUGH getting that one on paper, because it was the most outlandish goal I had ever set in my life), I composed my goal statement, which ended up being about eight pages long. (For guidance on composing an effective goal statement, join me in my Mindset Fundamentals™ Ecourse.)
The next thing I did was to read my statement every day before working on the book. I actually put it at the top of my manuscript document, so I read through it before picking up where I had left off each time. I find it interesting that the details of the story came to me AFTER I made the decision to write a best-seller.
(You get what you ask for out of life, so ask largely. We don’t do something remarkable because we already have all we need to do it; the things we need often only come to us AFTER we’ve decided to do something remarkable. It’s just how it works.)
Most aspiring authors write something and then hope it gets picked up by some influential publisher who will promote it and make it a best-seller. It doesn’t always work that way, I’ve learned. For one thing, whether or not you’re picked up by a publisher, it’s typically still 100% your responsibility to make it go. I recommend a person decides to be a best seller even before they begin writing. Don’t you think a person will be more in tune to receive remarkable ideas if they decidedly expect to create something remarkable?
Anyway, after about two months of reading my statement nearly every day, I BEGAN to think that maybe I could. I had no clue how I would, but I began to think it might be possible.
How many people are willing to read something absurd over and over again until it doesn’t seem absurd anymore? This goal-setting/achieving business is such an interesting process.
Then, out of the blue, certain people came into my life who helped me through each step in the process: people who knew exactly what I needed to learn or do next. They came to ME. Serendipitous encounters, as though I had broadcasted my needs with a megaphone, although I did not.
I’m convinced that it was my THOUGHTS that counted.
By my thoughts, I eventually tuned in (like a radio dial) to all the help I needed, because my mind was focused and I finally believed. Like a magnet! Do you realize that all you need will come to YOU as you get your thoughts right, and as you keep moving your feet in the right direction?
Remember, you don’t have to “go the distance”; you only have to meet success half-way. Every time you take a step, it takes a step towards you.
After I finally began to believe my goal statement might actually come true, a Jewish man from New York contacted me after reading my Hidden Treasures ebook. He said that he thought I might have a best-seller there. His contact was particularly unexpected, because my book was originally intended for people of my faith, so In my opinion, it was quite the compliment to receive praise from someone of a different faith. I thanked him, and said, “Actually, it’s the book I’m writing now that I hope to be a best seller,” (because I thought its audience may be wider than the first.)
He informed me that he was currently working with a team of people to help Jack Canfield launch his book Success Principles, and he wondered if I’d be interested in joining their team. I agreed, not having a clue what they would have me do. Through my participation as a volunteer in that campaign, I learned how to launch a best-seller. A few months later, when Jackrabbit Factor was complete, I followed the same simple steps to outrank the new Harry Potter release for about six hours, more than enough time to claim my own title and officially make Jackrabbit Factor a best-selling book.
It happened. On August 30, 2005 “The Jackrabbit Factor” became a BarnesAndNoble.com best seller. From there it went on to be recognized in multiple literary contests, continues to rank on other best seller lists, and has since been picked up by international publishers and translated into multiple languages.
But was that first little victory exhilarating? Was it a rush?
(Laughter) Actually, NO.
Was I disappointed?
Of course not.
Can you guess why?
I’ll tell you. It’s because I had already lived the thrill repeatedly in my head for more than a year.
It was more like, “Okay, now I can finally check that one off the list – another crazy idea which finally became real, just as predicted.” And then it was time to set another goal.
It was just proof again that the goal setting process, properly followed, works.
Ironically, the process described in the story itself is the same mental process I went through to achieve best-seller status. If you’ll just decide what you want, I can tell you exactly how to get it. Simply read “The Jackrabbit Factor: Why You Can”.
Read (or re-read) The Jackrabbit Factor FREE here Originally published September 5, 2005
- Yes MQ and Call - September 13, 2024
- Faith, Goals, and Your “Why” - September 10, 2024
- Unexpected Blessings and Overcoming Perfectionism - September 10, 2024
4 Responses
What you offer is relevant to people of any faith, (didn’t a publishing group in Turkey (Islam) translate and offer one of your books there?), and relevant for anyone who chooses to worship or not. The world beats us down, people judge and old habits hold us back. Jackrabbit Factor does something in such an unexpected way.
I loved your online course. My husband attended and still praises the Genius Boot camp seminar! Thanks for the encouraging blogs!
You know, I’ve been subscribed to you’re newsletter got a little over 3 years now and I’ve not yet read Thr Jackrabbit Factor, but after reading this uplifting article I will set aside time to read. ( I’m not much of a reader more of an audio book person. ) thanks for you’re continued inspiration. God bless.
What exactly is the relevance of the man from New York being Jewish? Do you always mention people’s religions? Or are the Jews the ones who can smell money from a mile away?
Haha Ian, no. The reason for mentioning he was Jewish is because my book Hidden Treasures (to which he referred) was a book originally written for people of MY faith. If you have not read the book, then I can understand why the mention of his religion may have seemed irrelevant. My point in mentioning it was to show how unexpected his contact was, and how I never would have thought that this was how I would learn the process for a best-seller book launch. I’ll edit the article to clarify. Thanks for your feedback 🙂