Over the years, I’ve gone from being excited about vision boards, to absolutely hating vision boards (as I explained in this podcast), and back to thinking vision boards are pretty great. As you can tell, I’ve had a love/hate relationship with vision boards.
But regardless of how a person feels about them, the principle behind them does indeed work. At least it can, if used properly.
I had some things happen that I had been wanting to happen for a very long time. Because of that, at the time of writing this post I’m kinda back to being excited about my vision board, and my husband commented:
“Look at that. [It happened] while you were just focusing on life, the day after putting up your new vision board.”
I responded that I believe the success happened more directly because of the intent decisions I made a couple days ago, which decisions caused me to feel compelled to update the board.
That’s how I look at them now. For me, they are not “THE catalyst”, because many goals have been achieved without them. But they ARE a great way to get clear and stay focused, once that quality decision to achieve a certain goal has been made.
The fact is, once I effectively “staked my claim” (as I explain how to do in the Mindset Mastery program), one of my next thoughts was “You really ought to update your vision board.” And with that newly decided state of mind, I finally wanted to.
My friend Jennifer Dayley became something of an expert on Vision Boards. If you don’t know much about Vision Boards, here’s some information from her which I’ve been given permission to share with you:
Vision Boards
Vision Boards. They became popular in recent years, but they’ve been around for decades. If you haven’t heard of them, they’re a tool that helps you focus on your goals, dreams, & desires, utilizing BOTH sides of your brain (intellectual & creative), as well as your body’s senses, so that they come to fruition much quicker & easier than they would without one.
I’ve known about Vision Boards for several years now, & in 2015 my husband, Kirk, started getting interested in them as well. Early 2016 he asked me where he could buy one. I told him to check the internet, but there was nothing other than posterboard kits & cork boards.
He really wanted a nice, attractive, good quality one that would look great hung up in the house. He told me “he wanted his Vision Board to match the quality of his vision!” We searched the entire internet and found… NOTHING.
A few days later, he walked in with big eyes & said, “Um, Jenn… I think the Lord just gave me a design for making Vision Boards…” I thought, “Oh, cool.” And that was about it…
When he was out in the garage building this first vision board prototype, the board slipped and took his hand into a table saw. Without getting too graphic, we thought he’d lost half his hand. Luckily that was not the case, but he was told recovery would be long, & that 2 of his fingernails would probably be permanently gone.
Due to prayer and our knowledge of holistic medicine, his healing was miraculous. He also has his 2 fingernails back, & there is very little sign of any damage at all. Just enough to remind him of the lesson he learned through this experience.
Vision Boards are for focusing… And when he endured the worst pain he’s ever felt in his life, the ONLY thing that helped him get through it was to focus. He prayed & prayed for help to get through the agony, and FOCUS was Heavenly Father’s answer to him. Focus on light. Focus on healing. And above all… Focus on gratitude.
Never once did he get angry at having this accident. He was grateful the entire time. Grateful that it wasn’t worse. Grateful that he was taught a lesson. Grateful for miracles.
Over the next few months he developed a series of Vision Boards that are now Patent Pending, and we created The Vision Board Co.™ – a division of our main company, Positive Innergy Inc™. We have various sizes & styles available, and we’ve now made them available to children, moms, dads, and business professionals across the U.S.!
Here are a few examples of some of the things our little family has been able to manifest using our Vision Boards:
- An incredibly nice 1-owner Denali at 1/5 of the brand new retail price
- 2 trips to Kenya, Africa for humanitarian work within 4 months for our 18 yr old daughter (when the plan was 5 years!)
- $100 for our 12 year old son (2 months earlier than he planned!)
- Pottery classes in the exact price range & dates/time frame desired, when we hadn’t been able to find ANY pottery classes in our area, ever.
- A “Purple” brand mattress, pillows, & bed frame (something we’d been wanting for over a year)
- Kirk leaving his 15 hour/night job with UPS, that he’d been working at for 14 years
I think back to Jr. High when I made that first poster board collage. All the magazine cut-outs of cool things I wanted in my life, pasted on the poster board in various positions. I was so excited! And then it went into my art folder, never to be looked at again.
Vision Boards are POWERFUL.
They don’t do the work for you, but they sure do help & remind your mind & body to do what they need to do, so that your goals, dreams, & desires to manifest. When you do it right, what you need will come TO you, so you can take action & make it happen.
While going into our full class details about how to use & amplify the results of your Vision Board is way too much for this article, I’d like to share just a few effective things you can do now!
- Get yourself a nice Vision Board, that matches the quality of your vision.
- If you do use poster board, at least organize it into nice sections. Don’t overlap pictures everywhere like a collage.
- Put it up in your house where you can see it every day & even be able to share it with others. Don’t put it behind your closet door!
- Look at it & focus on it every single day. Morning & night, if possible!
- Imagine & feel each of your goals / wants, as if theyre already yours.
- Be grateful for what you already have in your life!
- Believe, and exercise faith.
- A great religious leader named Thomas S. Monson said, “Don’t limit yourself and don’t let others convince you that you are limited in what you can do. Believe in yourself and then live so as to reach your possibilities. You can achieve what you believe you can. Trust and believe and have faith.”
You can create what you believe is possible!
If you stumbled onto this article and want to know how our family tripled our income by learning how to think differently (without a vision board), I invite you to discover the seven laws that govern prosperity. Click here to read Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help With Your Money Matters FREE.
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