Why did SHE win the ticket?

In 2015, I held a Genius Bootcamp ticket giveaway.

People were invited to enter the giveaway by explaining why they wanted to come. I came across the original post that announced the winner, and because it shared some important principles, it was worth dusting off and sharing again:

Before I talk about the winner and why she won, let me explain that…

The responses fell into a few different categories:

  • Those who just sort of hoped for it
  • Those who desperately needed it, and
  • Those who claimed to deserve it

Our winner stood out because she didn’t fall into ANY of these categories.

When the winning answer arrived, I knew it immediately.

There were a lot of other submissions that really tugged at my heart, and I wished I could accommodate everyone’s request, but through twenty years of doing events, our team has developed a sense about whether a free ticket will make the right kind of contribution to a someone’s long-term development. Some things shouldn’t come too easily, because it is through the struggle that we learn and grow.

Our winner had already done the internal work that prepared her to be fully ready to attend the event.

After announcing the winner I gave everyone else some free and inexpensive things they could do right away to help them prepare for to attend Genius Bootcamp as well, and to get the most out of it when they came. I’ll share that list at the bottom of this post.

So now, let me introduce you to our winner of the 2015 giveaway, Wendy B.

I’ll first share why she won, and then I’ll also share what she created out of her Bootcamp experience.

In response to my question, “Why do you want a free ticket?” Wendy wrote:

I was very excited to see the email in regards to entering and winning a ticket to your Murray boot camp recently. I am currently [in the] Mindset Mastery program. I remember vividly the example you wrote in regards to finding solutions and answers to any problem. You used the $10,000 life changing seminar as the example. I found myself immediately thinking that I would be one of the students that “couldn’t afford it”, but yet after this module – I realized that I needed to be more open to answers, and if I want something – I need to find the solutions.

I have been watching the upcoming Genius Bootcamp schedules – and this time and location are perfect for me (only 3 hours away – I can stay with my mother, etc.). Even though finances aren’t in place to register – I decided to allow myself to imagine myself attending. I looked up Shantel McBride and found a picture of her so that I could “picture” myself attending the class and being taught by her.

This would be such an amazing experience to solidify my learning. I am truly hoping that this will be the way that I get to attend! If not – my mind is open to other solutions!

Thank you for your knowledge and teaching. I truly appreciate all of your programs!

Take care,


Well done, Wendy.

Wendy’s submission demonstrated that she was not just learning what to do, she was doing it. Her confidence in the principles and choosing peace in the outcome either way was felt in her words.

For those who did not win:

I thanked them for their interest, and offered some insight. Wendy was not the most needy. She did not have the most compelling story. She was not the most expectant, even.

What Wendy did was demonstrate her teachability and readiness for applying what she learned. She was already doing what my materials taught her to do. (When I first started learning about the principles, it took me 7 years to actually DO what they instructed me to do – Click here to read that story).

Wendy was already doing it. And I didn’t give her the free ticket “as a reward” for following instructions, she was simply the right one. She was ready for Genius Bootcamp. I had no hesitations about that, because it’s not about what she said, it’s what she did.

As for the others, I invited them to check their thoughts RIGHT THEN as to how they were responding to the news that they didn’t win.

  • Some were maybe thinking, “I knew I wouldn’t win.” And they probably clicked off the announcement before reading the rest of what I had to say.
  • Some were maybe thinking, “It’s not fair that someone who’s in a better situation than me got the free ticket. I needed it more than her.”

If this was their response, my heart really ached for them. I still remember how painful and discouraging it feels to want something so desperately, but for it to be seemingly forever out of reach. I believe those who were ready to learn kept reading. I explained:

We don’t get what we want because we need it.

We receive according to our faith, and according to how well our thoughts align with the laws of right thinking. Having dealt with depression myself, I know that sometimes it is literally beyond our capacity to think right, even when we know how we’re supposed to think. The good news is that there is mercy.

To understand how mercy fits into the equation, read this.

  • And finally, some maybe took a deep breath and thought, “It’s okay. There is a seed of equal or greater benefit contained in every disappointment, including this one. I choose to find that benefit. I choose to believe that this is best for me. I choose to believe that there is something good for me to learn through this experience. I can still go to the next Genius Bootcamp, and I still believe there’s a way (if it’s important for me to be at that one); so I’m going to keep reading to see what I can learn, and then I will determine my next steps.”

Those who respond to disappointments in this way are on the path to success. It’s predictable.

Here’s what’s happened with Wendy since attending Genius Bootcamp:

In the four years after attending Genius Bootcamp:

  • She became a driving force behind the book and movement – Success Through Failing. Listen to our podcast together, or read my foreword in her book.
  • She produced over 10 events and conferences, most of which had 500+ attendees.
  • She hosted two podcasts – Success Through Failing and You Got This Women, also known as Intuitive Success
  • She quadrupled her income
  • And, in her words:

“I would say that the thing that Genius Bootcamp did for me more than anything was to learn how to tap into intuition, and to learn the creation process fully. That experience helped me to know that I was supposed to speak on stages and to “Heal the hearts and minds of women and youth.” My life has changed in the past almost five years and I owe a big part of it to Genius Bootcamp. My newest endeavor is teaching about Intuitive Success and getting out of hustle energy and one of flow and alignment” – Wendy

If you’re still reading this post…

I hope you’ll join us for Genius Bootcamp. It has a way of shifting your mindset for good, so you can move forward to find and fulfill the purposes that will bring you more joy and abundance. Click here to check our calendar.

How to prepare for Genius Bootcamp

Even if you can’t get to Bootcamp quite yet, there are a number of things you can do right now to not only help you get there, but more importantly, to get the most out of it when you do.

1) Get clear in your own mind about what you want to accomplish, and even more importantly, imagine what it will look like once it has been accomplished. This is how to activate your gut instinct. Once you’re clear, you’ll instinctively know what to do to get yourself there. You may even feel instructed that Genius Bootcamp isn’t the next best step for you right now. Getting crystal clear on your “why” is the only way to get crystal clear on your next “what”.

2) Take advantage of the free or less expensive materials that are already available to you, and review them again as needed.

a) Read the 3 books (Free)

b) Go through Mindset Mastery Lesson 10 – How to Receive (Free)

c) Get guided practice testing the principles through the Mindset Mastery program and go at least to the end of Phase 1. There’s a payment plan for every budget. If you are diligent, you can get through Phase 1 in less than 2 months by dedicating about an hour or two per week. (Sometimes we have specials on Mindset Mastery, so check here first.)

d) If you’re not ready to brave the Mindset Mastery experiment, lay a strong foundation first with the Mindset Fundamentals Ecourse – 20 online lessons.

e) Browse or search articles on my blog – finances, relationships, parenting, health, purpose, mission, etc.

f) Listen to the Rare Faith Podcast

3) APPLY WHAT YOU LEARN to obtain the resources you need. If you need a few hundred dollars to get to Bootcamp, use the principles taught in the free resources to find, save, or create the funds. Honestly, this is how most people get there.

NOTE: If you come to Bootcamp to solve a major life challenge, but haven’t exercised the principles enough to obtain the entrance fee, then it is sometimes better to gain some of those basics outside of Bootcamp first. Let me begin with helping you discover in real-time the power of your thoughts, and how they affect your results.

If you take those steps above, then you’ll not only know exactly how to get the money for Genius Bootcamp, but you’ll also have an amazing new level of confidence to make it happen. Come to Genius Bootcamp with that kind of confidence, and your mind will be blown by what happens for you next.

Wendy knows what I’m talking about, because she was a Mindset Mastery course participant who actually applied what she learned in Phase 1 to obtain her Bootcamp ticket with confidence.

We all “sort of” know what we should do, but it’s the additional perspective and training that gives you that extra “something” to really make it happen.

In closing, I would like to caution my readers to avoid declaring that they deserve what they want. There are a lot of teachers out there training their students to think that way, and while it does some good and has its place, it can also do some damage when applied in the wrong circumstances. To understand the good that it does, but also why I feel the way I do about it, read this post: Human Empowerment in Perspective.

With love,


PS. If you are determined to join us for Genius Bootcamp (and I hope you are), and if you’re ready to take that leap because you know it’s right no matter how scary it may seem, click here to register while we still have seats available.

If you need help overcoming the terror barrier for taking powerful action, click here to watch a free video.

What are you thinking now? I invite you to leave a reply below:

Leslie Householder

One Response

  1. Thank you for posting this Leslie! It is refreshing to have your perspective on the process of choosing a winner and why. It is even more refreshing (and eye opening!) to be given a step by step plan on what I can do to prepare for the boot camp so I can get the most out of it and start applying what I am learning from your books. I have so much to learn! But I’m excited for this journey and my amazing future!

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